Sunday, April 29, 2012

My last month

I realize I haven't posted anything in over a month. Life's been crazy. March 8 was the day I realized I couldn't stay at my job any longer and had to quit whether I had another job or not. The same week I turned in my notice, I interviewed for, was offered, and accepted a new job, and I became a librarian on April 2. I had two 40 hour/6 day weeks for training, almost a full week the third week due to other commitments, and this past week, I was finally able to work what will be my normal three-day work week.
To make things even more hectic, I also became a mother in early April to an adorable little calf named Pumpkinseed, a.k.a. Punky.

Her mama had pneumonia and mastitis and was unable to take care of her, so I've been bottle feeding her morning and evening for the last month. She'll hopefully be able to make it on her own in the next couple weeks.
We're up to 21 calves now, and keeping the records, getting them separated from the rest of the herd with their mamas, giving them shots and tags, and moving them to the pen with the other cow/calf pairs has been a part-time job in itself. There should be 37 more coming in the next couple months.

I'm also loving what we're having of the spring weather. It's been 40 degrees and rainy the last few days, but there have been a few tastes of some gorgeous weather.

Of course, the spring weather also means that planting has started, and I've spent some time tossing around seed bags, pouring seed into the planter, rolling up the electric fence around the fields, and transporting my husband from place to place to move equipment.

Probably the most enjoyable part of the last month was a visit from my sister last weekend. She was dogsitting and brought Champ along. He didn't sit still for very long, so I got a chance to play with shutter speed in my photography.

(For the record, that stick was a good four times his length, but he didn't believe it.)

I was thrilled to finally have a camera with adjustable shutter speed to catch a shaking dog in action.

And one final shot of Champ.

In case anyone is still looking for a replacement for Picnik, that last photo was edited with Pretty much just like Picnik, only FASTER!!! I'm actually happy now that Picnik closed because it was so dang SLOW!

So... there's my last month in a nutshell and the explanation for why I haven't posted. I also have hardly drawn during that time, and sadly, my ACEO per month goal is not happening. My intention is to get back into the art this week now that the work schedule has calmed down.
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