Not a lot of work on the draft horse this week, but I got another little section done.

And here's a shot of all the shading so far:
I finished the composition assignment for Art Instruction Schools. I have a review test to do, and then I'll be sending in this drawing:
The next three assignments are figure drawing. I'm half excited and half scared. I really need help with drawing people, but I'm afraid that I won't be any good at them. Wish me luck!
And finally, I've been asked to design a sign for the churches in town. It's 4x8 feet and will list the names of all 10 churches along with a welcome message and a cross with the phrase "Together under the cross". I have about eight different designs sketched out. Will do a few more this week and then pick out two or three to develop further. I'm supposed to present a couple different options.
In other news, I spent the last couple nights at the rodeo. I took over 300 photos, so once I go through them and pick a few to show, I'll be posting them. In the meantime, here's a look at last year's rodeo. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised in the difference in photo quality with my Canon Rebel!
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